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Bug#278901: tetex-base is too big and changes too often - split?

merge 278901 51869

Greg Kochanski <gpk@kochanski.org> wrote:

> Package: tetex-base
> Version: 2.0.2b-6
> Severity: minor
> Tetex-base is a 14 MB package that changes weekly.
> It's an annoyance to download, and (on my system) it accounts
> for about 20% of the time I spend on apt-get dist-upgrade.

You are right, this should have been done after woody had been released,
but there were not enough people working on the package. Since a couple
of months, there are maybe enough, but now we are too close before the
release to be able to do such a big change.

Please note, however, that no splitting scheme can safe you from the
downloading. Every time we change something in the packages with the sty
files, all packages generated from the tetex-base source would get the
new version number, even if the content had not changed.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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