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epstopdf produces rotated images (sometimes)


I wrote a large document with many graphics using lyx.  The postscript
file looks fine, but it is rather huge.  To get a smaller file, I
exported it to PDF which meant converting all my .eps graphics files 
to pdf using epstopdf.

Imagine my surprise when I compared the PS and PDF versions of my
document and found that about a dozen figures were rotated by 90
degrees in the latter.

The fix turned out to be setting GS_OPTIONS=-dAutoRotatePages=/None
before running lyx.  Thanks hugely to Hilmar Preusse for this tip,
which I found in the discussion of bug #199511.

Hilmar went on to say that "AutoRotatePages=/None" was present in
older versions of epstopdf is not always desirable and was removed at
some point.  Could someone point me to documentation: what exactly
does this option do and when is it not desirable?  As I say, I set the
option globally and all the images I converted look OK.

The reason I raise this is that I'd like to see one of two things
happen.  The best option is if the rotation could be eliminated by
passing -dAutoRotatePages=/None, either conditionally or
unconditionally.  If that's not possible, then a hint somewhere
like the manpage would be much appreciated.  I'm willing to help
with either option.

This discussion applies to "ps2pdf" from gs-common, as well.


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