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Bug#195808: plain tex, ngerman.sty, and German hyphenation.

On 03.06.03 Dr. Andreas Krüger (andreas.krueger@dv-ratio.com) wrote:
> On 03.06.03 Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> wrote:


> > Sorry but I have no knowledge on the German hyphenation
> > pattern,  but is this the same as #62271 (which seemed 
> > to be filed by you?)
> It is the same person filing the bug, but not the same bug.
> The old bug concerned an inconsistency between pdfetex and pdftex:
> One worked, the other one didn't.
> Now the two are consistent, but unfortunately, they both do no
> longer work.
[big snip]
> That said, I would indeed like to have my "real" ngerman.sty back,
> functioning fully.  Even outside of my own hard disk, there
> probably are some more documents floating around that have been
> written using either ngerman.sty or german.sty.  It would be nice
> to still be able to typeset those, even with a modern TeX.
As far I as I understand you, that problem is, that there are no
german hyphenations, if you use (n)german.sty and not the advantage
of (n)german if you use that ngermanb.sty.

> There is a text "gerdoc.tex" (gerdoc.dvi), that describes the
> configuration steps that used to fix the bug some five years ago. 
> Unfortunately, that text is in German.
> I have briefly tried to dig my way through that text, but gathered
> the impression that the steps described do no longer fix the bug -
> the TeX configuration setup seems to have changed.
So, could you exactly describe, what you did? Did you change
language.dat in /etc/texmf, commented out the hyphenation pattern for
german and rebuilt the format-files?
FYI: iniTeX looks AFAIK for
/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat, which is a symbolic
link to /etc/texmf/language.dat. Unfortunately language.dat doesn't
exist there. This is a bug (tetex-base 2.0.2-2). Could you please
copy language.dat to that place (from
/etc/texmf/platex/language.dat), build your formats (dpkg-reconfigure
tetex-bin) and try again?
Did you have a look at /etc/texmf/etex/language.def?

sigmentation fault

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