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Bug#61627: this is serious

cm> To make this change, we would need to modify
cm> tetex-bin:texmf.d/05TeXMF to use /var/cache instead of /var/spool
cm> (easy).  Slightly harder is deciding what to do about existing PK
cm> fonts.  Off the top of my head, we could

cm> 1. Delete them, and allow them to be regenerated on-the-fly
cm> 2. Move the fonts from their old location to the new location
cm> 3. Allow the systems administrator to decide whether to move the
cm> fonts or not

I was silently assuming 1), but I don't have a preference, really.
Any of the 3 will do for me.

cm> Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in
cm> his spare time; only by what he does as his work.  W.R. Lethaby

Is this tongue-in-cheek?  I'd say exactly the opposite is the true, in
our times.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
GPG: 433BA087  9C0F 194F 203A 63F7 B1B8  6E5A 8CA3 27DB 433B A087
The world has taken on a thickness of vulgarity that raises
a spiritual man's contempt to the violence of a passion.  Baudelaire

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