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Re: tetex-* CVS repository on klecker?

On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 11:03:35PM +0100, Christoph Martin wrote:
> Am Sam, 2002-02-16 um 09.13 schrieb Christoph Martin:
> > Am Fre, 2002-02-08 um 16.17 schrieb Julian Gilbey:
> > 
> > > What are the chances of setting up a tetex-* CVS repository on klecker
> > > for the maintenance of the tetex-* packages by a team?  I can get a
> > > list of users who should initially have write access if you give the
> > > go-ahead.
> > 
> We have a cvs on klecker now with write access for me
> (chrism@debian.org), Julian (jdg@debian.org), Claire (cmc@debian.org)
> and Atsuhito (kohda@debian.org)

Thanks debian-admin!!

> Now the next step would be to checkin the current tetex-bin and
> tetex-base. How do we do that? Do we checkin the whole upstream sources?
> And do we have different directories for different upstream releases?
> And then we should start to apply patches, to come in time with the
> woody release.

Let me setup the admin dir in the next day or so.  I will arrange for
emails about changes to be sent to the debian-tetex-admin list.

I recommend that anyone not familiar with CVS reads up a bit about it
before trying to use it.

With regards to different releases, I recommend the following scheme,
based on cvs-buildpackage:

- The upstream versions will be installed in the archive with the tag
  upstream_version_1_0_7_20011202 or whatever (change all . and + to _)
  and the Debian versions will be tagged debian_version_1_0_7_20011202-4
  or whatever, with the Debian version after the hyphen.  (Again, an
  NMU would have -4_1 if needed; tags can't have '.' in them.)

- After woody tetex-* is frozen and we decide to continue, we can
  create a woody branch; then one can checkout the woody version or
  the normal unstable version as needed.

- One can use the cvs-buildpackage package to help if one so desires.
  In particular, one has to be careful when uploading a new upstream
  to ensure that any added and removed files are correctly handled.

I'll upload the current tetex-* sources into the CVS in the next
couple of days.

Watch this space!



     Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths,             Debian GNU/Linux Developer
      Queen Mary, Univ. of London         see http://people.debian.org/~jdg/
   http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~jdg/           or http://www.debian.org/
        Visit http://www.thehungersite.com/ to help feed the hungry

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