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Documentation Survey (Complete)

So, I've finished going through the list of documents in
PostScript, Portable Document Format, and DVI format that we ship
with tetex-bin, tetex-base, or tetex-doc.

There's a page on my website [1] that gives the full report, but
the breakdown is as follows:

   -----------------    ----------------
   Status     # Docs    License   # Docs
   -----------------    ----------------
   Free         243     ATTPD         4	
   Non-Free       0     DFSG          5	
   Unknown       33     GPL          34	
   Not Docs       4     KOMA          3	
   -----------------    LPPL        186	
   Total Items  280     OWN          15	
   -----------------    PD            5	
			unknown      28	

The AT&T public-domain license is pretty clear, and covers the
Metapost stuff we distribute.  There are also some other
public-domain licenses used by various packages.

DFSG means a DFSG-compliant license of some sort.

The KOMA-Script license[2] is pretty clearly DFSG-free.

The GPL and LPPL speak for themselves.

The potentially problematic docs (making up the ``unknown''
category in the status table) have ``OWN'' or ``unknown''
licenses.  There are 33 such documents.  In some cases, the
document may be DFSG-free, but I didn't want to make the call; in
some cases, the document may have been meant to be DFSG-free, but
doesn't say so; and in many cases, the status is completely
unknown or indeterminable.

The best first step, I think, would be for some other folks to
take a look at the ``unknowns'' and see if any of them seem

Once we've cleared any such files, we'll need to track down the
authors and get some clarification from them as to the status of
their LaTeX packages or TeX-related software, and their opinions
about licensing them (pushing them toward releasing them under the
GPL, LPPL, or some other DFSG-free license, presumably).  Failing
that, we may have to pull not only some documentation, but also
the packages they document.

Note that at least some of the authors seem to be MIA, such as
Peter Williams, author of the algorithms package, who I have been
unable to contact in the past.

Also note that the notes field (for all the items, not just those
mentioned here) may contain information useful to cleaning up
our/Thomas's distribution -- there are duplicate files and
sometimes directories that we probably don't need to be shipping.
There are also some packages that have newer versions available on
CTAN.  (In at least one case, the newer package is licensed under
the LPPL, whereas the current package is unknown.)

In the interest of quick action (and easy accessibility), the
following are the 33 documents to which I've assigned an
``unknown'' status:

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/booktabs/booktabs.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for booktabs.sty

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/general/essential.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     General introductory document for LaTeX
Notes:    Copyright by various authors.  Original copyright granted
          permission to reproduce in any way for free, with the
          statement "Direct commercial exploitation is not

Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/oldgerman/corkpaper.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Paper describing typesetting Old German 
Notes:    Preprint of paper by Yannis Haralambous from 1994 TUG meeting

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/fltpage.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for fltpage.sty
Notes:    dtx file says "The usual GNU-style conditions apply: If you
          change it, you take the blame; if you pass it on, pass
          on all present conditions;"

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/algorithms.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Describes algorithm.sty and algorithmic.sty
Notes:    By Peter Williams of Australia, who is apparently
          completely unreachable (see other open wishlist bugs
          dealing with his algorithm packages)

Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/README.pst-osci
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     README file for pstricks-oscilloscope package
Notes:    We are distributing this README, but not the style files or
          TeX documentation for the package?!

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/euler.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for euler.sty
Notes:    Copyright (C) 1992 Frank Jensen.  All rights reserved.
          Copyright (C) 1993--1995 Frank Jensen and Frank
          Mittelbach.  All rights reserved.

Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/marvosym/marvodoc.pdf
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Documentation for marvosym.sty
Notes:    CTAN claims GPL, but I cannot find any copyright or license
          notice.  The font itself is "freeware" -- freely
          distributable but not modifiable.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/prettyref.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for prettyref.sty
Notes:    Copyright 1995,1998.  by Kevin Ruland kevin@rodin.wustl.edu

Filename: /texmf/doc/omega/base/omega-manual.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Draft documentation for Omega
Notes:    CTAN claims GPL, but I cannot find any evidence to support
          that conclusion in the source code.  Documentation comes
	  from doc-1.8.tex in the Omega distribution.  
          Our Omega is also out of date -- the current version is

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/caption/caption2.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for caption2.sty
Notes:    (c) 1994-95 Harald Axel Sommerfeldt (axel@hp1.ang-physik.uni-kiel.de)

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/fancyvrb/fvrb-ex.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for fvrb-ex.sty
Notes:    The contents of the fancyvrb directory are licensed under
          the LPPL.  This package and document are by a different
          author and do not specify copyright or license

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/floatflt/floatflt.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for floatflt.sty
Notes:    See http://www.homenet.se/matsd/latex/copyright.htm

Filename: /texmf/doc/omega/base/omega-manual.pdf
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Draft docs for Omega
Notes:    CTAN claims GPL; no evidence.  See omega-manual.dvi

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/treedoc.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for trees.sty
Notes:    No copyright or licensing statement in documentation or package.

Filename: /texmf/doc/bibtex/base/btxdoc.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for BibTeX
Notes:    Copyright (C) 1988, all rights reserved.  Is BibTeX really frree?

Filename: /texmf/doc/bibtex/base/btxhak.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for hacking new bibliography styles
Notes:    Copyright (C) 1988, all rights reserved.  Is BibTeX really free?

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/caption.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for caption.sty
Notes:    (c) 1994-95 Harald Axel Sommerfeldt (axel@hp1.ang-physik.uni-kiel.de)

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/general/guide.ps
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     "A LaTeX Survival Guide for Unix Systems"
Notes:    No copyright notice.  Edited by Sebastian Rahtz.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/general/guide.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     "A LaTeX Survival Guide for Unix Systems"
Notes:    No copyright notice.  Edited by Sebastian Rahtz.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/bbold.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  OWN
What:     Docs for using blackboard-bold fonts
Notes:    This package is copyright \copyright~1989--1994 Alan
          Jeffrey.  All rights are reserved.  The moral right of
          the author has been asserted.  You are {\em not
          allowed\/} to take money for the distribution or use of
          this file except for a nominal charge for copying,
          etc. Redistribution of unchanged files is allowed
          provided that the whole package is distributed.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/picinpar.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for picinpar.sty
Notes:    No copyright statement.  Obsolete (LaTeX 2.09).

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/footbib.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for footbib.sty
Notes:    Copyright (C) 1997 Eric Domenjoud  CRIN/CNRS & INRIA Lorraine

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/mathtime/mt11p.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  OWN
What:     Docs for the mt11p package (for MathTime fonts)
Notes:    This software was written as a personal project and comes
          with NO WARRANTY of any kind, not even MERCHANTABILITY
          or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  The author assumes
          no responsibility for any use.  Copyright (C) 1997
          Drahoslav Lim DISTRIBUTION: You are not allowed to
          distribute this file alone.  You are allowed to
          distribute this file under the condition that it is
          distributed together with all the files listed herein.
          If you receive only some of these files from someone,
          complain!  NO PERMISSION is granted to produce or to
          distribute a modified version of this file or any of the
          ASCII files listed above under their original name.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/beton.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for beton.sty
Notes:    Copyright (C) 1992--1995 Frank Jensen.  All rights reserved.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/wasysym/wasydoc.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for the wasy (Waldis symbol) fonts
Notes:    No copyright information or licening terms.

Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/dstroke/dsdoc.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for the Doublestroke fonts
Notes:    CTAN claims LPPL, but I cannot see any evidence of that.

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/mathcomp.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for mathcomp.sty
Notes:    We seem to have two sets of mathcomp stuff in the src tree.
          in /latex/prettyref/ and /latex/mathcomp/.  The files
          are identical, and the mathcomp stuff does not belong in
          the prettyref directory.  Also, there is a newer version
          of this package on CTAN that is definitely under the

Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/oldgerman/suet.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for a German handwriting font

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/moreverb.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  unknown
What:     Docs for moreverb.sty
Notes:    CTAN claims LPPL, but I cannot find any statement to that
          effect in the source.  Also, there is some weird overlap
          here, with a subdirectory containing slightly different
          versions of the same files

Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/fancybox.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  OWN
What:     Docs for fancybox.sty
Notes:    Copying of part or all of this file is allowed under the
          following conditions only: (1) You may freely distribute
          unchanged copies of the file. Please include the
          documentation when you do so.  (2) You may modify a
          renamed copy of the file, but only for personal use or
          use within an organization.  (3) You may copy fragments
          from the file, for personal use or for distribution, as
          long as credit is given where credit is due. You are NOT
          ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of
          this file or modified versions or fragments thereof,
          except for a nominal charge for copying etc.

Filename: /texmf/doc/help/faq/LaTeX-FAQ-francaise/FAQ.dvi
Status:   unknown
License:  OWN
What:     LaTeX FAQ Francaise
Notes:    (C) Copyright 1997 Marie-Paule Kluth tous droits reserves.
          Si vous desirez, distribuer ce document par FTP ou sur
          le WEB, ou placer un pointeur vers ce dernier, merci de
          m'en informer par e-mail et de me communiquer l'adresse
          correspondante.  Redistribution for profit, or in
          altered content/format prohibited without permission of
          the author.  Redistribution via printed book or CDROM
          expressly prohibited without consent of the author.  Any
          other redistribution must include this copyright notice
          and attribution.  The name of this file should reflect
          the fact that it is in French!

Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/texdraw/texdraw.ps
Status:   unknown
License:  OWN
What:     Docs for TeXdraw
Notes:    Copyright 1993-95 Peter Kabal Permission is granted to make
          and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided
          the copyright notice and this permission notice are
          preserved on all copies.

[1] Analysis of teTeX Documentation

[2] KOMA-Script license


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
	    spare time; only by what he does as his work.
			     W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS

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