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Bug#123065: Tex capacity excedeed [stack size]

Package: tetex-bin
Severity: normal
Version: 1.0.7+20001218-7


I've a Linux guide wrote that I need to to convert to PostScript format, (wrote in 
DebianDoc SGML). But when I try to convert from .tex format to dvi format, I got 
the message:

latex -interaction=nonstopmode index.tex

Tex capacity excedeed: sorry [param stack size=500]

I've tried to change some parameters in the /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf, also the stack_size parameter 
and others too (after doing some search on the internet and reading the Docbook-install howto, 
thats cover part of latex configuration). 

In atacchment is the index.log file compressed that contains all compilation pass from the 
typed command to the error message. 

Please, I need to do that conversion soon as possible. I need help! The .tex file could be downloaded 
from http://www.metainfo.org/focalinux/index.tex, it's size is 839Kb.


Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Cada escola que se abre é uma cadeia que se fecha.

Attachment: index.log.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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