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Packaging Hebrew elatex stuff?

I want to package some Hebrew additions to the babel system (heblatex).
(The upstream tar balls are at http://www.dsg.technion.ac.il/heblatex.)
I am going to have the package depends on tetex-extra.

Can I assume that every debian machine has tex in a standard directories or 
should my deb read /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf and obtain the directories it need 
from there? If the first case is true then basically all the deb will do is to 
install files and mktexlsr. On the former case it seems to me that I will have 
to untar to a temporary locations, run elatex and move the files to their 
final positions - all these actions done by the package scripts during 

The directories and files involved are (paths taken from my system):

1. /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/
2. /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/
3. /usr/share/texmf/fontname/special.map

Should I put the docs in /usr/share/doc/package-name or is there another 
common place?

In case you are interested, here are the installation instructions:


  1. Full LaTeX 2e distribution should be installed, including TeX--XeT or
     e-TeX. Known such distributions include:
        o teTeX 0.9 for UNIX with e-TeX
        o NTeX for UNIX with TeX--XeT
        o Web2C for Windows 95 and NT (see at CTAN:systems/win32, for
          example, ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/win32/)
        o TeX Live CD-ROMs distributed by TeX Users Group (TUG), see details
          at http://www.tug.org.
  2. If e-TeX is installed, check if its format is available in extended
     mode, by running elatex or latex on some .tex file:

     This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-1.1 (Web2c 7.0)
     entering extended mode

     The second line should be "entering extended mode".
  3. If TeX--XeT is installed, it will use a LaTeX 2e format file, called
     laxet.fmt from the formats directory. This directory is commonly
     located at texmf/web2c or texmf/web2c/ini subdirectories. To produce
     format file, run initexxet program on the following  laxet.ini file:

     % Prevent dumping of LaTeX2e
     % LaTeX2e format
     \input latex.ltx
     % Read latex2e.add
     \ifeof1\closein1\message{latex2e.add not found}
     \else\closein1\input latex2e.add
     % dump

     Put the resulting file laxet.fmt to the formats directory and link (or
     copy) the virtexxet program as laxet.
  4. Download the babel sources from the CTAN sites, directory
     macros/latex/packages/babel. This version of Hebrew package is tested
     with babel version 3.6.
     You need to have at least version 3.6j.
  5. Download the hebrew package, fonts and examples from the above
     mentioned place.
  6. Open heblatex to the babel sources directory.
  7. Run latex babel.ins and then latex hebrew.ins.
  8. Move all *.cls, *.sty, *.def, *.fd, *.ldf to the babel directory
     searchable by TeX (run MakeTeXls-R or similar program). Usually, babel
     is located at TEXROOT/share/texmf/tex/latex/packages/babel or
  9. Install hebrew fonts from hebfonts as following:
        o Find your public font sources directory, it is usually:
        o Unpack hebfonts file into the abovenamed public directory. It will
          create a new directory called hebrew inside public.
        o Find your special.map file - it is usually found at
          TEXROOT/share/texmf/fontname/special.map and add the following
          lines at the end of this file:
          @c Hebrew fonts
          jerus10      public    hebrew
          deads10      public    hebrew
          oldjaf10     public    hebrew
          telav10      public    hebrew
          crml10       public    hebrew
          crmlsl10     public    hebrew
          fr           public    hebrew
          frbx         public    hebrew
          frsl         public    hebrew
          hclassic     public    hebrew
          hcaption     public    hebrew
          redis7       public    hebrew
          redis8       public    hebrew
          redis9       public    hebrew
          redis10      public    hebrew
          redis12      public    hebrew
          redis17      public    hebrew
          redisb10     public    hebrew
          rediss8      public    hebrew
          rediss9      public    hebrew
          rediss10     public    hebrew
          rediss12     public    hebrew
          shold10      public    hebrew
          shscr10      public    hebrew
          shstk10      public    hebrew
        o Run REHASH from texconfig utility or program MakeTeXls-R or newer
          mktexlsr (if available) to build a new ls-R database in
          TEXROOT/share/texmf directory. You can add inserted file names
          manually to ls-R if you cannot find abovenamed programs.
        o Note that only 7-bit (old code) fonts are used by new Hebrew
 10. You can check if your installation succeed by LaTeXing examples from
     hebexmpl file.

Finally, you can prepare the LaTeX documentation of all components of the
new Hebrew package by running:


     latex hebrew.dtx
     makeindex -s bbind.ist hebrew.idx
     makeindex -s bbglo.ist -o hebrew.gls hebrew.glo
     latex hebrew.dtx
     latex hebrew.dtx


	Shaul Karl <shaulka@bezeqint.net>

Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me?
Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?
                                          (Ethics Of The Fathers 1:14)

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