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Obscure LILO problem, 1-5 minute LILO delay upon bootup.


I am running Debian Sarge and previously migrated my root drive from a 8.4GB to a 40GB then to a 61.4GB now to a 250GB disk.

I always use tar to transfer one file system to the other and then chroot, edit lilo and fstab and then re-run lilo.

For the:

8.4GB -> 40GB
40GB -> 60GB

I never had any issue.

However, with the 60GB -> 250GB drive, I did everything the same and at the LILO prompt or "LIL" I should say, it sits there for about 1-5 minutes and then says Loading Linux... BIOS something for about another 60 seconds and THEN finally loads. Does anyone know what is up with this 5-6 minute delay to load Linux?

All drives have been on the same promise controller, ATA/133, which has 48 bit addressing so there is no issue with the drive size being > 128GB.

Also, the /boot is the first 128MB of the drive, then swap, then root.

I have also tried adding lba32 to lilo.conf && re-running lilo but this made no difference.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I am not sure what else to try at this point.

Maybe linear addressing?


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