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xkbmap after installing dfsg packages

Hi All, 
I just started to subscribe to this list since I started using sarge a
week or so ago. But I found a rather peculiar
occurence after installing the xfree-dfsg packages through a regular
apt-get dist-upgrade command.
What happened was that after I installed the dfsg packages, gnome told
me that it could not find xkbmap in my path.
So, to be concise:
I went to console and went to init 1.
issued apt-get dist-upgrade
rebooted, and gdm started up nicely.
logged in to gnome, and saw the error box telling me that xkbmap wasn't
in my path.
Switching from default to swedish keyboard just opened the same message

In all honesty, I am at a loss. I have used debian for a couple of
years, with emphasis on *used*, not necessarily tinkered with all the
sub-systems. This is the first time a piece of S/W has gone missing
after a dist-upgrade. 

Anybody had any similar experiences?

Best Regards
Your program is sick!  Shoot it and put it out of its memory.
 Nicolaus Kedegren

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