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Re: When sarge become stable?

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 08:34, Francesco Marchetti-Stasi wrote:
> >> > is there anybody out there that knows when sarge will be stable?
> >>
> >> When it's ready.
> >
> > He probably knows the policy.
> I remember peeking in this mailing list, a couple of years ago, looking
> for answers to a similar question. So I'll assume he doesn't:as a Debian newbie, I also used to look forwards to new features in
> "testing"; then I learnt how to track "testing" after installing "stable",
> and I ceased to worry. Of course, IF you have a server running woody, and
> you REALLY need a feature in testing, it may be annoying; but if your
> problem is on workstation, just go ahead and use testing, it's surely more
> stable than... most other Linux distributions, for example.
> Ciao,
> Francesco.
> P.S. If you don't know how to track "testing", have a look at
> http://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-woody.en.html

The rule of thumb understanding the various repositories:

Stable: About as up-to-date - or more - as most Windows desktops. The
occasional security flaw is discovered that, odds are, isn't even really
exploitable but is fixed before you even know of the possible problem.
With only very rare exceptions, just works exactly as expected.

Testing: Mostly up-to-date, huge choice of software, with almost always
all of the details to ensure everything works smoothly (the exception
being when something as huge as KDE or Gnome undergo wholesale version
updates with substantive underlying redesigns - lets see you do any
better.) You feel like you are sitting in a software wholesaler's
office, able to use anything that has just been shipped. Security
updates are available at about the frequency and timeliness as all but
the most attentive people take to get around to installing them with

Unstable: At its worst, about as reliable as the current version of
Windows at its best. At times, it can be like sitting in with the beta
testers, at other times, it is like getting a shrink-wrapped package of
software *before* it gets sent to the software wholesaler.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935
Email: kahnt@hosehead.dyndns.org

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