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Bug#172340: Mostly successful installation log with feature requests

mån 2002-12-09 klockan 13.11 skrev samj@debian.org:
> Comments/Problems:
>  - I noticed some errors along the way, including:
> Cannot open template file /var/lib/cdebconf/templates.dat
> Debian Installer Main Menu
> <snip>
> Prompt: 1 - 4> (critital, high, medium, low)
> rmdir: unable to remove '/usr/share/discover': Directory not empty
> Linux IDE-SCSI emulation layer
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k nls_iso8859-1, errno = 2
> kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k nls_cp437, errno = 2

All harmless, though of course they shouldn't be printed. We just didn't
feel it was the most important part before alpha ;)

>  - There was no default retriever so I had to answer a question that probably
>    didn't need answering.

Yes, this is something of a problem, cdrom-retriever should probably be
default on a cd install and net-retriever on a net install, but I'm not
quite sure how to fix this in a good way. It's going to be fixed though,
one way or another.

>  - Tried to install GRUB, but without success:
> Installing GRUB failed:
> chroot: cannot execute /sbin/grub-install: No such file or directory

Can't say I've tested GRUB, but that's bad. Is there no grub udeb?

>  - Finished the installation and reboot failed:
> mkdir: Cannot create directory '/target/var/log/debian-installer': No such
> file or directory
> postinst exited with status 256

That's ... odd, haven't seen that one before. I suppose we could do
mkdir -p instead of just mkdir.

>  - No post installation happened, and as such there was no root password, etc.
>    This is probably to be expected given the alpha status.

Well, without a boot loader, base-config won't boot up, no... Did you
try lilo since grub didn't work? If you did, and it still didn't work,
that's very bad.

>  - fstab was broken, lacking header line(s), readable formatting (with 
>    spaces/tabs), and most importantly, cdrom, devfs, proc, etc. lines
>    (which broke a bunch of startup scripts).

Yup, integration with base-config isn't top notch yet.

>  - Feature Requests:
> There were some questions I had to answer that could have had sensible 
> defaults, including cdrom-retriever and low priority packages. Minimising 
> the number of times we hassle the user should probably be prioritised.

As I said above, default value for retriever will be there. What do you
suggest should be done about the low priority packages? It's a medium
question, so if you run the installer with priority high you shouldn't
be bothered with it, but I think it's important to be able to install
the modules! Two questions, the first asking if you want to select from
a list? I don't know...

> Some sort of template driven auto partitioning, even if only / + swap, so 
> people can at least try debian without having to understand partitioning.

pere is working on autopartkit though I don't know how far it's come.

> Lacking XFS support. I still use ext3 usually, but I'd like to try something
> new, and XFS looks like a good place to start. Any other candidates?

Put a udeb including /sbin/mkfs.xfs on a floppy and load it, the mkfs
menu item will find it :)

> PCMCIA looks broken. It's probably meant to be. There were some errors on
> startup.

From the announcement:
"PCMCIA work has not begun, so if it installs on a laptop, it will be by

> I will, more often than I would like, want to mount a partition as an
> afterthought. Usually it's /var. I'll then have to reboot to single user,
> mount it manually, move the relevant files over, and remount it where it's
> meant to be. fstab hacking is occasionally required too. This process could
> presumably be automated during installation. Being able to automate this
> process somewhat from the installer would be nice for live systems too...
> ie I've just installed a new hard drive, and want to mount it as /home, but
> need to copy everything over first. Where better to do it but from the
> installer?

Will you hit me if I say "patches welcome"? ;)

> Automated Installations would be *really* handy. I'd love to see these
> implemented in time for sarge... I figure this is already fairly well mapped
> out and would involve some answers for installation questions, possibly a
> partition template (sfdisk?), a list of packages and some reasonably sane way
> of giving debconf the right answers and making it quiet. Storing this
> information somewhere other than the CD (did I hear something about http?)
> and allowing config to be specified (by DHCP option?) for each machine would
> really make my day. Is this being discussed somewhere? Has it already been
> discussed? Implemented?

Stack support in cdebconf is in the works, I'm not sure how far it's
come, but Tollef's been working on it. Combined with a pluggable
autopartkit it might be very nice...

Hope I gave satisfactory answers to most of your questions, big thanks
for the report!


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you want to help with d-i ...

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