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Re: Can I see package changelogs on the web?

Am Fre, 23. Nov 2001, 22:22:21 +0100 schrieb Flavio Stanchina:
> I guess everyone else running testing or unstable too has the habit of 
> reading the changelogs of updated packages to see what has been fixed and 
> to know what might break. Is there a place on www.debian.org where I can 
> proactively read the changelogs before upgrading packages? Sure it's right 
> in front of my nose somewhere, but hell I can't find it. However, there 
> doesn't appear to be anything like that on the package page and that would 
> be its place, alongside with the bug list.

Have a look at the package apt-listchanges. It shows the changelog
after downloading but before actually installing the new packages. It
gives you the option to abort the upgrade if you dislike the changes

Description: Display new Debian changelog entries from .deb archives
 apt-listchanges is a tool to show what has been changed in a new
 version of a Debian package, as compared to the version currently
 installed on the system.  It does this by extracting the relevant
 entries from the Debian changelog file, usually found in
 It can be run on several .deb archives at a time to get a list of all
 of the changes that would be effected by installing or upgrading a
 group of packages.  It can be configured to do this automatically
 during upgrades using apt.


It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
-- Albert Einstein

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