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Re: Insufficient documentation for configuring a ethernet device & /etc/network/interfaces


On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Christian Meder wrote:
> That would be great. Documenters are always especially needed by the Debian
> project. Let us know if we can look over a first draft.

Well I am not that good a documenter, am basically a developer. However I can
try my best at documenting it. Heres a very primitive draft. Currently I don't
have a debian system at office, so I can clarify certain things only after
going home, so this document is buggy however this basically gives what and all
I want to put in the document.

P.S: sorry I forgot to cc it to debian-testing mailing list.

Keep :-)
interfaces(5)            Linux File Format's Manual            interfaces(5)
       interfaces - the networking interfaces specification file
       /etc/network/interfaces is an ASCII file which defines the different
       networking interfaces available in a debian system. This could be the
       loopback interface or the ethernet interface or so.

       This file basically consists of many sections, with each section 
       corresponding to a specific interface in the system.

       Each section starts with the interface declaration line which gives
       a name to the interface and also specifies its type. Next its followed
       by 0 or more lines which specify different options for that interface
       like the ip_address or netmast and so on. Depending on the kind of
       interface there could be some _required_ options, which one should
       always specify Also there could be some _optional_ ones which one
       may or may not specify as deemed fit.

       Any given section will look like this
       iface name_of_interface interface_type  
       The field descriptions are:
              the name of the interface like lo or eth0 or so.
              the type of the interface i.e whether its a loopback device
              or a ethernet device or ppp or so
              this varies from one kind of interface to the other.
              For example the loopback device requires no options.
              Where as for a ethernet device one has to specify
              the ip address & the netmask at the minimum, and can
              also specify the gateway, the network and so if 
              required. Look at ifup(?) manpage for details
              These options are ideally listed one below the other
              in independent lines following the interface declaration.
       (a) For a machine having loopback device it would be

       # Loopback inteface specification
       # Notice that this as no options
       iface lo loopback

       (b) For a machine having an ethernet card with static 
       ip address

       # An Ethernet interface specification
       # Note that here the address and netmask are compulsary
       iface eth0 ethernet

       (c) and so on

       ifconfig(1), ifup(1), ifdown(1), modconfig(1)

       If you have any networking device, then see to it that the proper
       driver is either built into your kernel or is loaded as a module
       (using modconfig or conf.modules or using insmod or modprobe).  

       ifup and ifdown author
       ifconfig author
       This document is written by Hanish Menon C <hanishkvc@hotmail.com>,
       Bangalore, INDIA. If you find any errors or changes please don't 
       hesitate to notify me or any other concerned person so that we can
       together keep this document updated.
Linux                    March 27 2000                          1

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