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The infamous "Fast Data Access MMU Miss"

Background: I've had to sacrifice my engineering SS20 due to the "iptables
-limit" issue, and have had no success getting Sarge onto an SS10. That left me
with little alternative to sorting through a pile of U1s since I wanted a
SCSI-based Sun in my workroom sooner rather than later: among other things I use
one for pentesting.

Since the machines are of unknown history the first thing I did, after selecting
the best from the heap, was update OBP etc. using the latest flash from Sun.
When I tried booting Sarge (r0a, R3, R5) from CD I got "Fast Data Access MMU
Miss", sundry problems also trying to boot R5 over TFTP. RH6.1 and Solaris 8
booted to early-installation stage from CD without problems.

After tinkering for a few hours I selected another machine from the heap,
grafted memory etc., and tried booting Sarge- it worked. Then I updated the
flash using 104881-09. Bad move: trying to boot Sarge I now got "Fast Data
Access MMU Miss" again.

Looking at SunShack I decided that what had been on both machines was
approximately OBP 3.11 Version 1 + POST 3.10.6 corresponding to 104881-06.
Getting that from http://patches.sun.com/ and booting using TFTP... now gives me
"Fast Instruction Access MMU Miss" on both flashed machines.

So to summarise: some of the more recent OBP patches might be responsible for
putting some models (e.g. in this case Ultra-1 non-Enterprise) into a state
where SILO (1.4.9?) and possibly other loaders can't run reliably. This is not
in itself a Linux problem.

Anybody got any suggestions how I can recover?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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