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Re: Fun upgrading libc (segmentation fault while going from stable to testing in Sun IPX)

At 15:19 +0100 1/12/05, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2005 14:40 schrieb Mauricio:
  I have a Sun IPX box in which I installed debian stable
 (woody) and have kept it up to date.  Recently I decided to go to
 testing (sarge) int hat box.  So, I edited /etc/apt/sources.list,
 changing stable to testing, then did apt-get update and then chose to
 update dselect and dpkg before doing the upgrade:

AFAIK, you must upgrade to a specific kernel version to use the newer glibc

Which kernel should I pick then? My current kernel is 2.2.20 (whatever came with when I installed stable/woody):

katrina:/home/raub# uname -a
Linux katrina 2.2.20 #1 Fri Nov 16 15:48:02 EST 2001 sparc unknown

These are the options testing gives me:

katrina:/home/raub# apt-cache search kernel-image
alsa-base - ALSA driver configuration files
kernel-image-2.2.25-sun4cdm - Linux kernel binary image for sun4c, sun4m and sun4d kernel-image-2.2.25-sun4dm-smp - Linux kernel binary image for SMP sun4m and sun4d
kernel-image-2.4-sparc32 - Linux 2.4 kernel binary image for sparc32 systems
kernel-image-2.4-sparc32-smp - Linux 2.4 kernel binary image for SMP sparc32 systems kernel-image-2.4-sparc64 - Linux 2.4 kernel binary image for UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.4-sparc64-smp - Linux 2.4 kernel binary image for SMP UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.4.27-1-sparc32 - Linux kernel binary image for sun4c, sun4m and sun4d kernel-image-2.4.27-1-sparc32-smp - Linux kernel binary image for SMP sun4m and sun4d kernel-image-2.4.27-1-sparc64 - Linux kernel binary image for UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.4.27-1-sparc64-smp - Linux kernel binary image for SMP UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems
kernel-image-2.6-sparc32 - Linux 2.6 kernel binary image for sparc32 systems
kernel-image-2.6-sparc64 - Linux 2.6 kernel binary image for UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.6-sparc64-smp - Linux 2.6 kernel binary image for SMP UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.6.8-1-sparc32 - Linux kernel binary image for UltraSPARC (sparc32) systems kernel-image-2.6.8-1-sparc64 - Linux kernel binary image for UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems kernel-image-2.6.8-1-sparc64-smp - Linux kernel binary image for SMP UltraSPARC (sparc64) systems
kernel-image-netbootable - net-bootable kernel for use with diskless systems
kernel-package - A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.
kernel-source-2.4.27 - Linux kernel source for version 2.4.27 with Debian patches kernel-tree-2.4.27 - Linux kernel tree for building prepackaged Debian kernel images kernel-tree-2.6.8 - Linux kernel tree for building prepackaged Debian kernel images

I tried to upgrade to katrina:/home/raub# apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.8-1-sparc32, and that is when it started barking about libc. Should I have tried one of the 2.4 kernels instead?

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