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Re: Ultra5 + Linux kernel 2.6.1 = hangs while booting

> 	boot: linux6
> 	Loaded kernel version 2.6.1
> 	Remapping the kernel... done.
> 	Booting Linux...
> Where it flashes the keyboard LEDs once, then appears to freeze
> indefinitely.
> I have tried many of the graphics modules, but is there one I need
> specifically?  How will my Ultra5 config need to be different from the
> Ultra10?  Should I go back to a 2.6 instead of 2.6.1?

Do "linux6 -p" at the SILO prompt so we can get more output.

Debian     - http://www.debian.org/
Linux 1394 - http://www.linux1394.org/
Subversion - http://subversion.tigris.org/
WatchGuard - http://www.watchguard.com/

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