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Re: Unstable

David Johnson wrote:

On Tuesday 14 Oct 2003 00:56, Jonathan Andrews wrote:
Debian newbie question.

If Unstable is more up to date than stable can I/how do I switch apt to
update from the newer archive ?

It is indeed more current, but obviously less stable. The easiest way to switch is to edit your /etc/sources.list file and change every occurance of "stable" to "unstable".

It's my understanding that you don't want to do this for the security line; something to do with the way security patches are backported first to stable and then later get implemented in unstable, or something similar.

I also have a vague understanding that you want both stable and unstable listed, with the unstable lines appearing first (for priority); otherwise, packages that aren't currently being worked on in unstable but that have remained the same since stable won't be available for installation. But again, don't take my word as gospel.


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