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Well, I'm new here so a quick personal sparc rundown:
SS20 Dual SM62's,
Ultra 1 170, Creator3d series 2, 2 qfe's
Ultra 10 440
Anyway, I've got 2.6.0-test6 to compile and boot, and I thought I might pass along a couple of wierdnesses I stumbled across (please note that it booted, I haven't quite yet updated the modutils, etc, etc)
Wierdest thing: If I try to boot a vmlinux, I get a hard hang. I have to physically flip the power switch to recover. BUT, if I gzip and rename, it boots.
gzip vmlinux, mv vmlinux.gz vmlinuz (not necessary, but prettier)
SILO boot: 1/boot/vmlinuz
This works, but skip the above steps and booting 1/boot/vmlinux hard hangs.
Another wierd thing is probably something simple I'm missing. I finally get to a login prompt and the keyboard is 'remapped'. asdf comes out as 1234, even get the shifted symbols.
I'm using gcc3 (ln -s) and it's stock sparc64 beyond that. The sparc port seems to have issues with gcc/register clobbers, I haven't dug up the patch for that.
Biggest complaint: Small allowable kernel size, about 3.5 meg.~1.42Meg gzipped. I'm debating trying to delve into the mysteries of OBP/SILO/Boottime mem management and see if there is some kind of workaround.
Anyway, just wanted to ...oh heck, I'll admit it: Crow a little!
(Now, if I could just stumble across a real cheap bootable SCSI card for me U10, now THEN I would be a happy camper)

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