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PROM & installing woody on a SPARC running potato

Hello Debian SPARC folk,

First a trivial question: can a flag be set so that
the PROM in an old SPARC 2 (ROM Rev. 2.4.1)
automatically goes into "new" mode rather than 
prompting with 
"Type b (boot), c (continue), or n (new ...?

In the manual, _Installing Debian GNU/Linux
3.0 For SPARC_, I see section "3.7 Installing Debian 
GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System".

The instructions were attempted with the objective
of installing woody on a spare disk, on a SPARC 
currently running potato.  The way seems blocked 
where dselect reports that "wget does not appear 
to be available".  Is there a workaround?

Thanks,     Peter E.

Peter Easthope   http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

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