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Strange things occurred in my SS10...

As you know, i'm tring to use an old but good SS10.

I've used for two month, booting on monday and halting on friday,
without one problem.

Now i've moved it, plugged to an UPS, installed and configured a dhcp

Now the machine halt, or better, they go to the 'ok' prom prompt,
about 3-4 times at day.
I can type 'continue' and linux resort, but if dhcp server are down you
can imagine...

I've changed only some little things:

1) place, but same room (as i've sayed)
2) console (i've removed monitor and keyboard and i'm using serial
3) (little) kernel (2.2.18 plain), to use dhcp
4) installed dhcp

Now i've recompiled kernel, trying to remove all but needed, and i've
stopped all non needed services.

How can be?!

PS: some later and bright illumination: can be the terminal emulator
program that send some time a 'break' signal (=Stop-A) so machine go to
prom prompt?! O;-)))

dott. ing. Marco Gaiarin			gaio(at)sv.lnf.it
La Nostra Famiglia - Polo FVG			root @ CED

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