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Re: SGML validation in emacs

Please allow me to resurrect an old thread:

On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 11:30:19AM -0400, Mark Johnson wrote:

> You can tell psgml that the current doc has a parent, and it'll look
> in the parent for the doctype declaration. Put something like this at
> the bottom of your rescue-boot.sgml file:
> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
> Local variables:
> mode: sgml
> sgml-parent-document:("install.sgml" "book" "chapter")
> End:
> -->

I have split up an xml website dtd document and can't get the above
cited trick to work. I have used only a 'SYSTEM' identifier for the
website dtd in the parent. I have made sure there are no comments in
the parent.

My psgmls 'validate' command works great on the parent, btw; and, it
ripples through all the included 'child' docs too. I've even tried
using an absolute path for the parent in the 'sgml-parent-document'.

Here's one of the smaller children:

  <config param="filename" value="downloads.html"/>
      <title>Yes, that's right, downloads.</title>
      <para>You may find it hard to believe but there are some out there who actually want some of my stuff. Here is where they (and you, mayhap?) can find it.</para>
    <para>My DOS numerology program: <ulink
url="123you.exe"><emphasis>123you.exe</emphasis></ulink>. This is the
actual executable, not a self-extracting archive. Just put it in your
PATH somewhere and run. If you are, sadly, a Windows user, I recommend
either rebooting to MSDOS mode, or creating a shortcut for
<emphasis>123you.exe</emphasis> and specifying full screen mode in the
shortcut properties. Printing is a pain. Be sure to wait for the "Send
a form feed?" query and answer appropriately. Experiment. Be creative.
Also, be advised I never finished this program; the help screens,
especially, are virtually non-existent. Sorry.</para>

<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
sgml-parent-document:("fancy.xml" "website" "webpage")

Nsgmls cannot find 'fancy.xml', and psgmls cannot find it either, say,
if I try to parse the DTD.

Bob Bernstein |    http://www.ruptured-duck.com
at            |           1024D/4A93E562
Esmond, R.I.  |      115B 8AA0 D418 F33B F0B1  
USA           |      6230 8014 B8D5 4A93 E562

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