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Re: secure installation

On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 09:29:10AM +0200, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> - From the documentation I gather, that update-manager would probably work
> on kde, but that it just checks, if the package information has changed.
> This would have to occur either manually or by some cron job, cron-apt
> etc. So _at least_ it requires reading some manuals and manual
> configuration. update-notifier also does not suggest or recommend
> cron-apt or any other backend to commit the required 'aptitude update'.

Did you actually tried update-notifier on KDE?  update-notifier checks
himself if the package information has changed periodically. There's no need
for update-notifier to depend on cron-apt or any 'backend' as it already
does the job. If you ask it to install new software it will run



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