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Re: iptables and nmap

Joan Hérisson wrote:

- Debian 2.4.18
- iptables with many rules

- I have installed a tomcat 5.5 server. The server is unreachable (connection failed from locahost or another host on my local network).

- I have to open port 8080. I have this rule in /etc/init.d.firewal-start :
"iptables -A tcp_packets -p TCP -i eth0 -s 0/0 --dport 80 -j allowed"
  where eth0 is the way toward the internet.
So I added this rule :
"iptables -A tcp_packets -p TCP -i eth1 -s 0/0 --dport 8080 -j allowed"
where eth1 is the way toward my local network

- The server is still unreachable.
- When I do nmap localhost, I have port 80 open but not 8080.
- When I comment out the line for port 80 in firewall-start and I restart firewall, I do nmap localhost, port 80 is still open.

I do not find the link between iptables rules and nmap.
Some ideas ?

You should give us more information!
iptables is run in the tomcat server?
What about the other rules (i.e. in INPUT and OUTPUT)?
what will do the chain "accept" ?

nmap will send packets only to one interface, so you
should do nmap from a computer in the eth0 network and
an other run in eth1 network.

Add some log target in iptables and check the flux!


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