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Due to several requests received both in private and in public
I decided the best would be to post the script on the list.
It requires perl5, wget and gnupg.  The current Debian Archive
Automatic Signing Key (38C6029A) should be present in the keyring
of the user executing the script (who needn't be root).

Some terse "usage" description can be found in the head of the

Comments, corrections and enhancements are always welcome.


1024D/37B8D989 954B 998A E5F5 BA2A 3622  82DD 54C2 843D 37B8 D989      
finger://borso@vekoll.vein.hu | Some days, my soul's confined
http://www.keyserver.net | And out of mind
Sleep forever

Attachment: apt-check-sigs.pl.gz
Description: Binary data

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