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Re: STARTTLS wierdness in sendmail 8.12.10-1

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Marc-Christian Petersen wrote:

> please copy "/usr/share/sendmail/examples/starttls.m4 to /etc/mail/tls and
> execute 'sendmailconfig' after you copied the file over.
> It's an updated file you have to use by now. You should have read the install
> message by the sendmail update and the changelog too ;p
> You have to do the same with SASLv2 m4 if you use SASLv2.

Sigh, I was hoping to get more cleanup on the changes, but the
unexpected release of the exploit information fscked up me (and
upstream) :(

> > Anyone else see this?
> yes, Solution above. Anyway, even after that, TLS does not work anylonger. I
> always get "verify=NOT" if I try to send mail with my other clients.
> 8.12.9-latest from SID before 8.12.10-1 works fine.

That's not a failure, it indicates that verification wasn't even tried

That said, I'm able to see the same in my logs:
Sep 19 19:30:03 renegade sm-mta[11064]: STARTTLS=server, relay=localhost
[], version=TLSv1/SSLv3, verify=NOT, cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA,
Sep 19 19:30:03 renegade sendmail[11060]: STARTTLS=client,
relay=localhost.badlands.org., version=TLSv1/SSLv3, verify=FAIL,
cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits=256/256

(MTA didn't verify MSP, MSP tried but failed to verify MTA)

8.12.10-2 is already in incoming(FTBFS), so this fix will come in -3
Rick Nelson
Guns don't kill people.  It's those damn bullets.  Guns just make them go
really really fast.
        -- Jake Johanson

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