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Re: GNOME security.

Previously Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> Would anyone happen to know if it's possible (without hacking the sources
> and breaking something) to disable the TCP listen ports that a great deal
> of GNOME apps seem to listen on?

There is some orbit-configuration file you should be able to create to
tell it not to listen to TCP ports. From what I hear that kill all ports
but one. And unfortunately it seems to be completely undocumented (I
can't even find what filename to use..).

Someone should lart GNOME for that approach and point them to KDE (which
listens to exactly 0 ports).

> My suspicion is that these ports are used for GNOME's CORBA support, which
> is great, but I tend to feel safer with UNIX domain sockets buried deep in
> my home directory, with permissions to the effect of 0700.



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