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Re: Allow FTP in, but not shell login

One way would be to have PAM refuse users who belong to a certain group, say 'ftponly'...


On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 10:51:00AM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> Hello -
> I'm not sure exactly where to look for this information, so if I should
> RTFM, just point me toward the right one.
> I have a situation where I've volunteered to host a few webpages for
> some users.  They're at a university and are having problems getting timely 
> access to their organizational websites on their school's server.  Anyway,
> I'm happy to be the host, but I want these people to be able to FTP in ONLY, 
> without interactive access.  I want to do this specifically for a set of 
> users, not for all users on the machine.
> My feeling is that PAM supports this somehow, but I'm not sure where to
> start.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks for the help.
> -- 
> Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
> Personal Homepage: http://www.skyjammer.com/~pronovic/
> "The phrase, 'Happy as a clam' has never really held much meaning for me."
> --  
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