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Re: Encrypted file transfer

I found a good solution for my problem...

  I copied the compiled ELF file of gnupg (/usr/bin/gpg) to $HOME/bin
  Then I copied the libraries it needs to $HOME/lib
  Created ~/.gnupg/ and copied pubring.gpg into it

  So, to execute gnupg I need to set up the variable to look for libraries in a non default diretory:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib

  After than, 'gpg' is working right, so I set up a script and put it in cron, to execute once a day.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib
    cat myfile | ~/bin/gpg --batch --no-tty --armor --quiet --encrypt --always-trust --recipient myself@mycompany.com | mail -s "my files" myself@mycompany.com

  So, I receive some files I have in a remote computer encrypted by mail. :-)

On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 01:52:59PM -0500, hpknight wrote:
> If you use RSA keys, scp can run non-interactively.  If you make
> statically compiled binaries of ssh, scp, etc then you could just upload
> them to your $HOME/bin and use them from there.  I've done this in the
> past, but I had shell access to the machine so it was a bit easier.  The
> admin there was also too lazy/ignorant to install ssh, so I just installed
> my own ;)
> Encrypting the files with perl is a good idea as well, since they could be
> crypted then downloaded from FTP without worries.  This wouldn't require
> opening or utilizing ports that may be firewalled.  THere should be plenty
> of examples in perldoc for doing this.
> --Henry
> On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Pedro Zorzenon Neto wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 10:20:26AM -0800, Tom Marshall wrote:
> > > Can you use FTP to put precompiled ssh and scp binaries on the machine?
> > > $HOME/bin is usually a good place.  I've done this before with some success.
> > > 
> > > ---
> > > The most effective Windows NT remote management tool?  A car.
> > >
> > The remote machine is a web server with postgres.
> > On the remote machine, I can use only ftp to put/retrieve data.
> > This machine does't have telnetd, so... no logins...
> > Other ports than 20,21,80 are firewall protected.
> > 
> > As an workaround I can change by ftp my crontab over there and the commands are executed!!! :-) I don't need telnet anymore!!!
> > 
> > I think 'scp' is not possible because it asks my password interactively...
> > 

Why don't you try 'Mutt' and 'GnuPG'?
Get my public key at http://www.keyserver.net
1024D/7274AA07 9F1F 1EBB 29A4 918D 2C5F  FB9C 39C9 7963 7274 AA07

Attachment: pgpaiXJRuC5q7.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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