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Re: MPI implementations in squeeze

Am Montag, den 30.11.2009, 22:11 -0800 schrieb Nicholas Breen:
> On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 03:49:20PM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> > From the point of view of a client package, what is now best practice
> > for working with MPI?  Is there a website/wiki/document explaining how
> > to set up an MPI-using package, or is it just a matter of RTFM from
> > mpi-default-dev?
> > 
> > For context, gerris includes MPI support which is currently switched
> > off. I would like to create an additional gerris-mpi package which has
> > MPI switched on.
> No particular documentation that I'm aware of, though it's a good thought....

I'm also not aware of that and really might be reasonable to write such
a document. It seems to me that there has been no or not much
cooperation of maintainers of MPI packages, which is changing at the
moment and works out well. I'm really happy about that! So chances for
MPI guidelines are good.

But adding MPI support is usually as easy as Nicholas pointed out in his
email. If one only wants to build an MPI version, build-depending on
mpi-default-dev is best; if you want to build one package per MPI
implementation, you have to do that yourself. Nicholas' gromacs package
is a good example for that!

Best regards

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