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Re: R-cran-vcd for Debian was REJECTED because of missing source documentation

Hi Andreas,

the hcl-colors.pdf-file was included in the tar-ball only accidentally---it really should only live in the colorspace package. I just put online (at the cran-master) version 1.2-3 excluding it.

Thanks for pointing this out!


Andreas Tille wrote:

at first I would like to inform you that I plan to package R CRAN Vcd for
the Debian GNU Linux distribution. The final target is the R CRAN Surveillance package which is a nice enhancement for the epidemiology task of Debian Med [1]. I actually prepared a package which worked so far but there is one issue which
is not accepted by ftpmaster: We have to provide the source for all binary
chunks of data - and PDF documents belong into this category.  As you can
see below the source for hcl-colors.pdf is lacking from the source tarball
which I downloaded [2]. Some searching revealed a document at R-forge which
seems to be the source of this document.

I would like to ask you what strategy you would consider reasonable to proceed

  1. Remove hcl-colors.pdf completely from vcd tarball because it becomes
     outdated compared to the version in Colorspace.  I could link inside
the Debian package to the document inside Colorspace because it depends
     from it anyway so no information is lost.
     In this case I wonder whether you want to remove the PDF from upstream
     tarball yourself.
  2. Add the source (in the old revision) to the Vcs tarball because it is
     perfectly applicable for this package for Vcs.

Once we are talking about sources I would like to ask explicitely for the
license:  I downloaded the package as GPLv2.  Does this license also apply
to the documentation files?

Kind regards and thanks for providing R Vcd


[1] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/epi.html
[2] http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/vcd_1.2-2.tar.gz
[3] https://r-forge.r-project.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/*checkout*/pkg/inst/doc/hcl-colors.Rnw?rev=42&root=colorspace

Dr. David Meyer
Department of Information Systems and Operations

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Tel: +43-1-313 36 4393
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