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Re: [Announce] New tasks web Bpages for all CDDs

Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> writes:

> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> > Am I missing something, or packages can't be in more than one category/task in
> > this system?
> There is no reason thich prevents having a package in several tasks.  Installing
> a metapackage for a task should give you a complete working environment to
> work on the specific task. 

So the purpose of the meta package is to list packages that a
physicist will use, and not to classify physics packages. That makes
sense - and I'd previously missed that.

I can then ask my sysadmin to install the physics metapackge safe in
the knowledge that I'll have most of what I need.

>  So if one package is useful in more than one task
> it has to be listed in all of them.  Just note that there are such generic
> tasks like viewing and typesetting.  You will probably these in addition to
> the science task and if it turns out that we need another generic task than
> we might add this.

Ok. For the moment then, I think it would be useful to add Here is a
diff to add octave,matplotlib(+scipy and ipython) and pdl to the
physics task.

I haven't added scilab as it is in non-free (though perhaps it should
be added).

diff --git a/physics b/physics
index 67ac2b6..fb4e2a5 100644
--- a/physics
+++ b/physics
@@ -19,6 +19,17 @@ Depends: horae, ifeffit, sixpack
 Depends: tessa | tessa-mpi
+Depends: octave | octave3.0
+Why: numerical programming environment similar to Matlab
+Depends: octaviz
+Depends: python-matplotlib, python-scipy, ipython
+Why: numerical programming environment similar to Matlab
+Depends: pdl
+Why: numerical programming environment similar to Matlab
 Depends: science-electronics
 Suggests: science-statistics, science-mathematics

> > I think if packages could be organized with something
> > like "tags" (oh no, one more name), everyone would be more satisfied, and the
> > packages would be easilly found by users.
> Well, we have DebTags which are fine. 

http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/science/tasks/physics.html mentions
debtag field::physics but doesn't provide a hotlink. Is there a way of
doing this (I couldn't work one out)?

>  DebTags is a great tool and you can
> even install packages according to a DebTags specification.  When editing
> the tasks files DebTags was actually a great help.

And you can categorise your favorite packages at

Perhaps I don't understand debtags well enough, but I think it would
probably be useful to have more precise tags than field::physics -
though I've yet to work out what tags would be appropriate. 


PS there isn't a field::engineering tag on
http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/ either - though it is referenced in
the engineering metapackage.

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