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Re: Debian Science Extremadura work session?

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Frederic Lehobey wrote:

After this suggestion and Steffen Moeller answer¹ I have created in
December the wiki page http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScienceMeetings
(without advertising it unfortunately).  Since then several meetings
are getting themselves organised.  See
http://wiki.debian.org/WorkSessionsExtremadura .  There seems to be
only two possible dates left (March 22-26 and December 13-17) but the
most important questions are:

1/ Who would be interested in?  I see possibly at least Dirk
Eddelbuettel, Steffen Moeller and I.

Count me in for the December meeting.  (I will not join any long term,
i.e. > than one weekend, meeting in the first half of this year for
private reasons.)

2/ What for?
Technical work.  Meeting of the people on this list who would take
advantage of such a gathering in order to strengthen the support of
scientific applications in Debian.  I am thinking of people around R,
Octave but maybe also people around ROOT, Maxima or Axiom and the like

I'm interested in biological software and in a general infrastructure
for scientific applications in a CDD framework.

So, who would be interested in such a meeting?  At which (remaining)
dates?  I have put my own name as an example in the table in
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScienceMeetings .  Who else?  Please add
your names and availability.

So I will add my name provided that the December data would be choosen.
I do not want to bloat the list with my name if I'm sure that I'm unable
to join.  An announcement of the final date decision would be nice.

* who will be at Debconf 6?

... unfortunately not because real live is stronger than Debian
engagement in this particular case. :-(

Obviously with such a message I am volunteering to help organise such
a meeting in Extremadura would it be considered interesting by the
Extremadura sponsors.

This would be great.

Kind regards



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