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DRAWxtl with runtime problems on Debian Etch/Sid


I'm currently trying to package DRAWxtl [1], a versatile crystal
structures viewing application with export possibilities to POV-Ray or
VRML. After a few modifications regarding the FLTK 1.1.6 header files,
compilation worked. But a DRAWxtl version compiled against freeglut3
2.4.0 does not work. It fails with

freeglut  ERROR:  Function <glutStrokeCharacter> called without first
calling 'glutInit'

I was talking with Larry Finger about this issue and it seems, that it
is a bug in freeglut3 2.4.0. But he was not able to track it down the
location, where it is caused, but to verify this bug. It is normally not
necessary to call glutInit() when using fltk GLUT compatibility header
file [2]. Now it would be nice to solve this issue. So is there anyone
with enough C/C++ knowledge and time, who is interested in
examining/tracking down the issue, so we maybe can solve this issue for
Debian? Or should I directly write a bug-report to the freeglut3

[1] http://www.lwfinger.net/drawxtl/
[2] http://www.fltk.org/doc-2.0/glut.html

Regards, Daniel

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