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Bibliography-Software recommendation

Dear all,

As I need to write scientific publications once in a while, I need
some sort of reference manager. Most biomedical journals insist on
manuscripts in Word or RTF-format, so OpenOffice is the suite of
choice under Linux I guess.
Using OOo is however a pain in the neck when it comes to references.
The build-in system is anything but userfriendly or intuitive.
Unfortunately, the OO-bibliography project has postponed its release
until OOo 3.x.

However, I recently came across a really cool tool: Bibus
(http://bibus-biblio.sourceforge.net/). It is a programm written in
Python, closely related to Endnote (which some of you may be
familiar with :) ). It is essentially linking a database (either MySQL
or SQLite) with OOo using the Python-UNO-bridge via a GUI.
It is not yet 100% perfect (which tool is?), but it is *REALLY* a huge
step forward. I contacted the author Pierre Martineau and he said that
it will be adopted to run under OOo 2.x as well (it already does with
minor modifications). A Debian (and Ubuntu) package is already
available for download from his site (to those who are forced to use
the Dark side as well: Yes, it runs under Windows).
I would strongly advocate that someone with the proper administrative
rights @Debian includes this nice piece of software into the official

If anyone has a better or equivalent tool for that purpose, please let
me know (and yes, I am aware of LaTex and JabRef etc. but AFAIK they
do not support OOo).


Stephan Gromer, MD. PhD.
Work:  Biochemie-Zentrum Heidelberg / Im Neuenheimer Feld 504 / D-69120
 Heidelberg / Tel.: +49 (6221) 544291 / Fax.: +49 (6221) 545586
Home:  Sternallee 89 / D-68723 Schwetzingen / Tel.: +49 (6202) 855038
 Mobil: +49 (172) 7694555 / URL: http://www.gromer-online.de

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