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Re: Welcome to Debian Science!

My addendum for people-writers:

pybliographer -- a very nice tool to manage bibliographies - supports
              many formats, querying medline etc.

pyblink  -- not available in debian but I have it packaged:

deb     http://www.onerussian.com/debian/ ./
deb-src http://www.onerussian.com/debian/ ./

it is for those who have to struggle in OO and write anything which
includes bibliographies. pyblink would help you to interact OO with
pybliographic and have  references done in easier way.

scribus -- lets you "edit" pdf or ps files thus  it makes possible to
      rip EPS/PS figures from the articles of others if you don't have time to
      wait until the author emails you the proper one

impose+ -- (the one I packaged :-)) - it is an alternative to mpage
 whenever you want to print an article two-fold. Its advantage - it finds
 bbox nicely so there usually will be less of white space, thus text will
 be more readable
 Also there is a script http://www.onerussian.com/debian/draftpaper.sh
 which lets me given any file/url to create and see twofold printout in
 xpdf and send it to print if I decide that it looks ok

Hope it will be of help to someone

On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 12:59:13PM +1000, Helen Faulkner wrote:
> openoffice.org for writing presentations and the papers that have to be .doc format

> kile + latex for writing papers that can be in latex

> firefox + thunderbird for browsing/email

> What do others use?

> Helen
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