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Re: Fucken Gate's Modem

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Fucken Gate's Modem
Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 22:01:13 +0400
From: aeos93 <aeos93@mail.ru>
To: Dmitry Nezhevenko <dionua@gmail.com>
References: <[🔎] 445B94F0.90305@mail.ru> <[🔎] 20060505185039.GA3551@shota.mine.nu> <[🔎] 445DB719.1010807@mail.ru> <[🔎] 445DD09E.4000907@mail.ru> <[🔎] 20060507123023.GC8625@MB11490.spb.edu> <[🔎] 445E0725.8090101@mail.ru> <[🔎] 445E0937.5050700@mail.ru> <[🔎] 20060507150912.GA9124@debian.deb> <[🔎] 20060507151922.GA9231@MB11490.spb.edu> <[🔎] 20060507153416.GA9611@debian.deb>

Dmitry Nezhevenko wrote:
On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 07:19:22PM +0400, Maksim A. Boyko wrote:

можно и без него, например попробуй позвонить echo "atd5555555" >
/dev/ttyS0. Я так и не понял модули для модема уже скомпилены или мы
пытаемся оживить модем без мозгов?

Тогда уже echo "ATD555555\r\n". Был случай, что винмодем не хотел звонить
без \r\n. На то он и винмодем.

echo - ничего не происходит

хотел показать:

0000:02:02.0 Communication controller: Conexant HSF 56k HSFi Modem (rev 01)

root@knoppix:/home/azod# ls -l /dev/modem
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 10 2006-05-07 12:43 /dev/modem -> /dev/ttyS0

так же после инсталяции появилась папка “Modem” в домашней директории,
содержащая три текстовика:

Log самой инсталляции не нашёл, искал в /var/log

Пока буду изучать Linux-kernel HOWTO...
Я не совсем понял, что, слепо следовать командам, данным ниже и т.д.?
Посмотрите и скажите мне
Я к ядру никогда не прикасался
Вот фрагмент из DriverCompiling.txt:

COMPILING DRIVERS, for Linux Newbies

This text provides a very minimal introduction to compiling drivers,
particularly WinModem drivers under Linux.  All points are covered in
much more detail in the Linux Kernel-HOWTO which is likely included
in the documentation set, installed within /usr/share/doc/ folders.

All that follows can be summarised in a few steps/actions:
  Install a kernel_source package representing your kernel.
  As it will match only one of several kernels that could have been
  and NOT necessarily yours, clean out any remnants of earlier usages with:
  	make mrproper
  Copy in your kernel configuration file and have if read with:
	make oldconfig
  Edit if necessary the fourth line of the Makefile, which completes
  specification of where drivers will be installed to.
  FileName.h encoding dependencies between cogent code parts will next
be assembelled by:
	make dep
  which for the 2.6.n kernel releases is instead automatically included in:
  	make bzImage
  With kernel_source thus Correctly configured, the modem driver
compilation and installation
  proceeds within its own resource package,with the included README
providing these details;
  quite commonly there are only commands:
	make clean
	make DriverName
	make install
   which will compile the drivers and install them properly.
   The remainder of this text just expands on these issues and steps.

и далее далее далее

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