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Re: status of 1.9[.3] and wheezy

Alex Young escreveu isso aí:
> > While I love RVM and use it on my OS X systems, I much prefer a
> > package installed Ruby interpreter. Most of my Debian/Ubuntu
> > deployment is to cloud-based instances, which give me multiple cores
> > and gigs of memory in 2 minutes with an API call. Waiting to compile
> > Ruby is sub-optimal.
> This is true.  Another way to tackle that would be to work with rvm or
> ruby-build to make it simpler to build an interpreter .deb from the
> sources and built binaries they've already got, so you can have the best
> of both worlds: a prebuilt, packaged ruby at the specific version you want.

Probably it would be easier to do that with ruby-build than with rvm.

Not directly related to that, but also in the "play nice with the Ruby
community" front, I've packaged rbenv and it's already in unstable. I also wrote a
rbenv plugin[1] (which is included in the rbenv Debian package) that
makes the interpreters installed via APT available to rbenv.

1. https://github.com/terceiro/rbenv-alternatives

From rbev's README.Debian:

  The rbenv Debian package comes with the rbenv-alternatives plugin, which you
  can use to make the Ruby interpreters installed via APT available for use with

  Example usage:

      $ rbenv alternatives
      $ rbenv versions
      $ rbenv global 1.9.2-debian
      $ rbenv version
      1.9.2-debian (set by /home/terceiro/.rbenv/global)
      $ ruby -v
      ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-linux]

  Whenever you install a new Ruby interpreter, or uninstall a previously
  installed one, just run `rbenv alternatives` again and it will update your
  list of Debian-provided Ruby interpreters with rbenv.

It would be nice to have some feedback about that.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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