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Default tests

Hey all,

I just wanted to throw a random idea in here.  I've been thinking that
since we now ship most libs for Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.1 by default, the
presence of tests have become quite vital.
An example of this is for example ruby-rchardet, which even cannot
be parsed by Ruby 1.9.1.

As you all know, not all gems ship tests or working tests.  So some libs
have tests disabled or no build-time test suite just yet.
So, what if we put, by default, a very stupid syntax/load test in the
generated debian-dir of a gem2debianized lib (e.g. ruby1.X -r<lib> or
ruby -c <lib>.rb).  We would already catch problems such as the one for
ruby-rchardet (dbts #643770).  (I also recall Ruby extentions that
segfault when loaded by Ruby 1.9.1 in the past).

Now, it maybe hard to determine what <lib> should be in some cases,
but if the gem2deb-generated boilerplate by default assumes <lib>
to be the argument passed to gem2deb, we can get quite far.
(Possible we can also figure it out from the gemspec?) One needs to
change the boiler plate anyway, so it's easy to also touch
debian/ruby-test.rb and it might even encourage people to fix/expand the

Any thoughts?


PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: paulvt@debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul@luon.net
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