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Bug#1030681: man1/Xvnc symlink should be man1/Xvnc.1.gz

Package: tightvncserver
Version: 1:1.3.10-6
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

	[Please do not Cc: me, as I’m “on the list,” so to say, and
	I try to reserve my inbox for private communication only.
	I’d have set up Mail-Followup-To:, but there doesn’t seem
	to be a way to make it point to the report being filed.]

	Running the following command on a recent testing install
	reveals a misnamed man1/Xvnc symlink:

$ find /usr/share/man -xdev -not -type d \
      -regextype egrep -not -regex ".*/man([1-8])/[^/]*\\.\\1[a-z]*\\.gz" -ls 
   759686      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           27 Oct 15  2021
 /usr/share/man/man1/Xvnc -> /etc/alternatives/Xvnc.1.gz

	This is apparently due to how update-alternatives(1) is
	invoked from .postinst:

16-    update-alternatives --install \
17-	$BIN/Xvnc            Xvnc            $BIN/Xtightvnc 70 \
18-	--slave \
19:	$MAN/Xvnc            Xvnc.1.gz       $MAN/Xtightvnc.1.gz

	Compare with the invocation for the vncpasswd manual page:

20-    update-alternatives --install \
21-        $BIN/vncpasswd      vncpasswd            $BIN/tightvncpasswd 70 \
22-        --slave \
23-        $MAN/vncpasswd.1.gz vncpasswd.1.gz       $MAN/tightvncpasswd.1.gz

	AIUI, at least the former line in debian/tightvncserver.postinst
	needs to be updated to use $MAN/Xvnc.1.gz in place of $MAN/Xvnc.

	I don’t seem to see in update-alternatives(1) whether it will
	automatically remove the older symlink upon the updated
	--install call above.  If not, I presume the symlink will need
	to be removed in .postinst explicitly:

## This was a misnamed symlink created by older versions of the package
rm -f -- "$MAN"/Xvnc

	Also while we’re at it, I’d like to suggest for all the variable
	substitutions in the code to be quoted like "$MAN" above.

FSF associate member #7257  http://am-1.org/~ivan/

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