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Bug#976811: [pkg-php-pear] Bug#976811: transition: php8.1


On 12-01-2022 15:56, David Prévot wrote:
In unstable (thanks for that), but it fails to migrate to testing, due to the 'PHPUnit requires the "dom" extension.' issue.

Can’t find this issue. Did it go away by itself, or did you make any change?

https://ci.debian.net/packages/p/php-doctrine-cache/testing/amd64/ shows that it's "fixed" by the new upload of src:php-defaults. php-common has a whole bunch of Breaks, which cause the test to be run with:
src:php-defaults from unstable
src:php-amqp from unstable
src:php-apcu from unstable
src:php-doctrine-cache-bundle from un...
src:php-doctrine-cache from unstable
src:php-gnupg from unstable
src:php-memcache from unstable
src:php-memcached from unstable
src:php-pcov from unstable
src:php-redis from unstable
src:php-uopz from unstable
src:php-uploadprogress from unstable
src:xdebug from unstable

symfony: php-apcu-bc

There seems to be a new (unrelated?) FTBFS, so we need to figure it out (or drop symfony from testing until then).

Found a fix, version 5.4.2+dfsg-2 uploaded.


It seems like we're getting somewhere. Some packages still need a source-only upload. And we need to weed through the regressions listed here: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=php-defaults. Priority may lay with the mediawiki* regression on i386: "Internal Server Error" doesn't sound great, and other non-horde package.

I nearly reached the php-defaults set with my bug filing campaign for autopgktest regressions, so I'll weed through it. Once all bugs are filed, I'll ignore all deprecation warning only tests.


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