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Re: openjpeg / stretch

[adding debian-release]


On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Mathieu Malaterre <malat@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm@debian.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in jessie we have the unfortunate situation of having two copies of
>> openjpeg in the archive src:openjpeg and src:openjpeg2. Can you get
>> rid of openjpeg for stretch? We accept two source packages for transition
>> purposes, but these need to be sorted out by the subsequent release.
> That does not seems doable [*]. openjpeg 1.x and openjpeg 2.x have
> different API, and it requires a significant effort to move from one
> API to the other. Without upstream help from each packages, this
> cannot possibly be done (at least by me).
> If someone wants to volunteer, some projects have successfully moved
> from openjpeg 1.x to openjpeg 2.x (from the top of my head:
> mupdf/gdal/leptonlib) so some projects may have code so that they
> compile against either openjpeg 1.x or openjpeg 2.x using #idef
> triggered during configuration time.
> The other option is to deactivate JPEG 2000 support from those
> packages. imagemagick (accidentally) removed support for JPEG 2000
> (#773530) and no one complained so far.

Actually the issue is maybe a little more than just a security
concern. See the bug report #825907.

I'll leave it to debian-release to decide the severity of this bug.
Meanwhile I'll track package(s) still using OpenJPEG 1.5.x API.


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