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Re: Architecture qualification meeting for Wheezy

On 2012-04-25 14:46, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On 22.04.2012 22:19, Niels Thykier wrote:
> [...]
>> I originally wanted the length of the meeting to be an hour at most.  I
>> had a draft agenda that I never got around to send out[1].  Looking back
>> at it now, I am not entirely sure if it is realistic (on IRC).
>>   However, I would rather do two meetings of 45 minutes than one meeting
>> of 90 minutes.  So I guess I would like to work out "How long do we
>> need?" (and "Does that fit in one or two meetings?") before looking at
>> dates.
> I agree that having an approximate length in mind would be a good thing,
> but I'm also wary of us spending ages discussing (or failing to discuss)
> that point and then having to wait again while we decide on dates.
> fwiw, the next sensible weekends (i.e. ignoring the one in a couple of
> days time) are May 5/6th - which is a three-day holiday weekend in the
> UK - and 12/13th, which is the York BSP.  I could do the latter but
> would prefer the former.
> Regards,
> ADam

May 6th and 12/13th should work for me.  Depending on the time, I /may/
be available on the 5th, but I wouldn't count on it.


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