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Bug#661958: transition: apache2

Arno Töll <arno@debian.org> writes:

> we've just uploaded Apache2 2.4.2-1 to experimental. We consider this
> version matured enough to be used for a wider audience. Therefore, we
> kindly ask for permission to upload our package to unstable as soon as
> it fits for you.

>> 73 Module source packages (from "dak rm -nR -b apache2.2-common
>> apache2-threaded-dev apache2-prefork-dev"):

> Along that upload I would like to raise remaining bug severities of
> packages outlined in that list above and which effectively means, these
> bugs would become release critical.

Just to mention, while I am going to start working on this as soon as I
can, I do have a couple of Apache module packages for which the port to
2.4 is definitely non-trivial.  For Shibboleth, for example, it's going to
requite a significant upstream release since the way that it handles
authorization rules doesn't work at all.  Upstream is working on that, but
it's going to be a little bit more.

I don't know if that's an argument against making all of those bugs
release-critical... but certainly they do need to be fixed before the
release, so it's directly true.  I kind of don't want the working packages
to be removed from testing, though (not that making the bugs RC causes
that directly).

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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