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Freeze exception for suricata 1.0.1


I missed the freeze date for a few days (I was in vacation), so I
couldn't upload suricata 1.0.1 in time ..

Would it be possible to allow 1.0.1-1 to go in Squeeze ? I know this is
a new (upstream) version, but the changes are almost only bugfixes and
are really important imho:


- Major detection accuracy improvements.
- ip_proto keyword was fixed for malformed packets.
- Fix a TCP RST packet evasion issue
- Stream reassembly improvements.
- See https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/versions/show/10 for all
closed tickets.

Diff from the 2 packages is:
 87 files changed, 7620 insertions(+), 4899 deletions(-)


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