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Re: funkload update to 1.6.2 (fixes: #493205)

Hi Cyril,

On Fri, 01.08.2008 at 12:27:49 +0200, Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org> wrote:
> Toni Mueller <toni@debian.org> (01/08/2008):
> > +  * fixed python-webunit at 1.3.8 (compatibilty issue with 1.3.9)
> > -Depends: python (>= 2.4), python-central (>= 0.5), python-pkg-resources, python-webunit
> > +Depends: python (>= 2.4), python-central (>= 0.5), python-pkg-resources, python-webunit (=1.3.8)
> I wonder how it's supposed to work since there's:
> |$ rmadison python-webunit
> | python-webunit |  1.8-1.1.2 |       testing | source, all
> | python-webunit |  1.8-1.1.2 |      unstable | source, all

I have just discovered that Mathias Klose trashed my 1.3.8 version from
July 15th, without telling me, for no reason that I am aware of, and, I
also don't know where that upstream version should come from - PYPI has
1.3.9, and Richard's home page ceased to have a new version after

So... this must either be an entirely different package, or it's a
quite bogus upload, imho. I've mailed both Mathias Klose and Izak
Burger to ask for an explanation.

> I even came to wonder whether I wasn't pasting the appropriate package
> name.

Me too, when I saw the python-webunit download.

> (And anyway using = will make it hard to track any newer revision. Not
> to mention binNMUs.)

Ok... I can fix that to >= 1.3.8, << 1.3.9 (but didn't think of it when
I rolled the patch, sorry).

Kind regards,

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