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Re: New libmysqlclient transition necessary

On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 01:50:41AM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote:
> 1. Package changes:
>    * Change package names (without changing the library filename, of course):
> 	libmysqlclient15-dev	-> libmysqlclient15off-dev

The release team will kill you for that change. There are no source
interface changes and therefor no reason to change the package name.

> 4. File bug reports against all packages with severity=important
>    and user-tag "transition-libmysqlclient15-dev" (already present
>    on wiki.debian.org/OngoingTransitions).

There is no source-level change, so this is a binary only transition.

> 6. Immediately NMU packages that were already linked against libmysqlclient15
>    with prio=high
>    (like libdbd-mysql-perl which mysql-server-5.0 depends on)

No, you have to follow the NMU procedure. Which means at least one weak
RC, so don't even think about.


A little suffering is good for the soul.
		-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

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