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D-I Etch Beta2 - Status update (5)

Beta2 CDs created beautifully, website update prepared, so the release is 

Unfortunately the hint that was set for the latest version of 
initramfs-tools was of the wrong type so that did not make it into 
testing yesterday as planned. The current version in testing has a script 
error that can cause installation failure (on reboot) in some cases.

ATM I'm undecided whether to wait for the new initramfs-tools and try 
again or to go ahead with the current version. Waiting would mean a 
release on either Tuesday on Wednesday.
I'll try to consult with involved people tonight and decide one way or the 

vorlon: could you change your initramfs-tools/0.53c hint from unblock to 
urgent and, if possible, get a britney rerun? TIA.


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