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Re: localization-config v 0.113 into testing (now 0.115)

On Δευτέρα 02 Μάιος 2005 11:53, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Hi Konstantinos,

> conffiles.d/woody/ispell also seems to have an encoding error in
> the spelling of 'bokmål'.

this particular script was taken as is from skolelinux. As 
skolelinux/woody didn't use UTF-8, this character 'å', probably does 
not appear well on a non-UTF-8 system. But i've been told it works.

> I'm not willing to approve this package as it is right now; if you
> can address the above issues (the die vs. log_msg issue is
> particularly pervasive, and seems likely to have very bad
> unintended side effects), it should be ok to let in.

I've replaced the log_msg by a new function, log_die, which logs and 
dies in these particular cases :-)

I've just uploaded to t-p-u, l-c 0.115 with 2 new translations also.

Please let me know if it's ok now.



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