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pyside2_5.11.2-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable


Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2019 09:21:43 +0100
Source: pyside2
Binary: python-pyside2-doc libpyside2-5.11 libpyside2-py3-5.11 libpyside2-dev python-pyside2.qtcore python3-pyside2.qtcore shiboken2 libshiboken2-5.11 libshiboken2-py3-5.11 libshiboken2-dev shiboken2-doc pyside2-tools python-pyside2uic python3-pyside2uic python-pyside2.qtwidgets python3-pyside2.qtwidgets python-pyside2.qt3drender python3-pyside2.qt3drender python-pyside2.qtquick python3-pyside2.qtquick python-pyside2.qtpositioning python3-pyside2.qtpositioning python-pyside2.qtx11extras python3-pyside2.qtx11extras python-pyside2.qtqml python3-pyside2.qtqml python-pyside2.qtwebenginecore python3-pyside2.qtwebenginecore python-pyside2.qttexttospeech python3-pyside2.qttexttospeech python-pyside2.qthelp python3-pyside2.qthelp python-pyside2.qtscripttools python3-pyside2.qtscripttools python-pyside2.qtnetwork python3-pyside2.qtnetwork python-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets python3-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets python-pyside2.qtlocation python3-pyside2.qtlocation
 python-pyside2.qt3dlogic python3-pyside2.qt3dlogic python-pyside2.qtsensors python3-pyside2.qtsensors python-pyside2.qtmultimedia python3-pyside2.qtmultimedia python-pyside2.qtscript python3-pyside2.qtscript python-pyside2.qtwebchannel python3-pyside2.qtwebchannel python-pyside2.qtprintsupport python3-pyside2.qtprintsupport python-pyside2.qtquickwidgets python3-pyside2.qtquickwidgets python-pyside2.qt3dinput python3-pyside2.qt3dinput python-pyside2.qtxml python3-pyside2.qtxml python-pyside2.qttest python3-pyside2.qttest python-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets python3-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets python-pyside2.qtconcurrent python3-pyside2.qtconcurrent python-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns python3-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns python-pyside2.qtcharts python3-pyside2.qtcharts python-pyside2.qtuitools python3-pyside2.qtuitools python-pyside2.qtopengl python3-pyside2.qtopengl python-pyside2.qt3dcore python3-pyside2.qt3dcore python-pyside2.qtsql python3-pyside2.qtsql python-pyside2.qtgui
 python3-pyside2.qtgui python-pyside2.qtsvg python3-pyside2.qtsvg python-pyside2.qtwebsockets
Architecture: source
Version: 5.11.2-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>
Changed-By: Sebastien Delafond <seb@debian.org>
 libpyside2-5.11 - Python 2 bindings for Qt5 (base files)
 libpyside2-dev - Python bindings for Qt5 (development files)
 libpyside2-py3-5.11 - Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (base files)
 libshiboken2-5.11 - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries (Python2 shared libr
 libshiboken2-dev - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries (development files)
 libshiboken2-py3-5.11 - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries (Python3 shared libr
 pyside2-tools - development tools for PySide2 (uic, rcc, lupdate)
 python-pyside2-doc - Python bindings for Qt5 (common documentation)
 python-pyside2.qt3dcore - Python bindings for Qt5 3DCore module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qt3dinput - Python bindings for Qt5 3DInput module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qt3dlogic - Python bindings for Qt5 3DLogic module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qt3drender - Python bindings for Qt5 3DRender module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtcharts - Python bindings for Qt5 Charts module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtconcurrent - Python bindings for Qt5 Concurrent module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtcore - Python bindings for Qt5 core module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtgui - Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qthelp - Python bindings for Qt5 Help module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtlocation - Python bindings for Qt5 Location module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtmultimedia - Python bindings for Qt5 Multimedia module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 MultimediaWidgets module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtnetwork - Python bindings for Qt5 Network module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtopengl - Python bindings for Qt5 OpenGL module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtpositioning - Python bindings for Qt5 Positioning module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtprintsupport - Python bindings for Qt5 PrintSupport module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtqml - Python bindings for Qt5 Qml module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtquick - Python bindings for Qt5 Quick module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtquickwidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 QuickWidgets module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtscript - Python bindings for Qt5 Script module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtscripttools - Python bindings for Qt5 ScriptTools module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtsensors - Python bindings for Qt5 Sensors module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtsql - Python bindings for Qt5 Sql module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtsvg - Python bindings for Qt5 Svg module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qttest - Python bindings for Qt5 Test module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qttexttospeech - Python bindings for Qt5 TextToSpeech module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtuitools - Python bindings for Qt5 UiTools module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtwebchannel - Python bindings for Qt5 WebChannel module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtwebenginecore - Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineCore module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineWidgets module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtwebsockets - Python bindings for Qt5 WebSockets module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtwidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 Widgets module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtx11extras - Python bindings for Qt5 X11Extras module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtxml - Python bindings for Qt5 Xml module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns - Python bindings for Qt5 XmlPatterns module (Python 2)
 python-pyside2uic - User Interface Compiler for PySide2 (Python 2)
 python3-pyside2.qt3dcore - Python bindings for Qt5 3DCore module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qt3dinput - Python bindings for Qt5 3DInput module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qt3dlogic - Python bindings for Qt5 3DLogic module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qt3drender - Python bindings for Qt5 3DRender module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtcharts - Python bindings for Qt5 Charts module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtconcurrent - Python bindings for Qt5 Concurrent module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtcore - Python bindings for Qt5 core module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtgui - Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qthelp - Python bindings for Qt5 Help module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtlocation - Python bindings for Qt5 Location module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtmultimedia - Python bindings for Qt5 Multimedia module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 MultimediaWidgets module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtnetwork - Python bindings for Qt5 Network module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtopengl - Python bindings for Qt5 OpenGL module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtpositioning - Python bindings for Qt5 Positioning module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtprintsupport - Python bindings for Qt5 PrintSupport module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtqml - Python bindings for Qt5 Qml module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtquick - Python bindings for Qt5 Quick module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtquickwidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 QuickWidgets module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtscript - Python bindings for Qt5 Script module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtscripttools - Python bindings for Qt5 ScriptTools module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtsensors - Python bindings for Qt5 Sensors module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtsql - Python bindings for Qt5 Sql module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtsvg - Python bindings for Qt5 Svg module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qttest - Python bindings for Qt5 Test module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qttexttospeech - Python bindings for Qt5 TextToSpeech module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtuitools - Python bindings for Qt5 UiTools module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtwebchannel - Python bindings for Qt5 WebChannel module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtwebenginecore - Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineCore module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineWidgets module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtwebsockets - Python bindings for Qt5 WebSockets module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtwidgets - Python bindings for Qt5 Widgets module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtx11extras - Python bindings for Qt5 X11Extras module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtxml - Python bindings for Qt5 Xml module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns - Python bindings for Qt5 XmlPatterns module (Python 3)
 python3-pyside2uic - User Interface Compiler for PySide2 (Python 3)
 shiboken2  - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries
 shiboken2-doc - CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries (common documentatio
Closes: 917200
 pyside2 (5.11.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Sébastien Delafond ]
   * Add myself to uploaders
   * Do not build-depends on patchelf on mips64el (Closes: #917200)
 651f9cb0630b7d9faecb1b2cb601d36f07f834dc 9203 pyside2_5.11.2-2.dsc
 aeb854b25190b72f4a6262c9dc2be0669fff3e88 36176 pyside2_5.11.2-2.debian.tar.xz
 1d92b7dc1b8383dcbc5e3f17f0b19ebf2b24fdac 69621 pyside2_5.11.2-2_amd64.buildinfo
 365d4995fb1956d017e70f7787b433c4257c37dcf53ad9fa6a5af066c4b7f297 9203 pyside2_5.11.2-2.dsc
 302eee0cce830126478d861ab1a6185bdd2887d8df1fca3717c1f6fe9778eafb 36176 pyside2_5.11.2-2.debian.tar.xz
 0124cea569c97850f4b2ea74f4654b8318f2cf1dad0e3b4f956a7f6d8919748a 69621 pyside2_5.11.2-2_amd64.buildinfo
 09411d646b5e397ae5aeb60617b62cf0 9203 python optional pyside2_5.11.2-2.dsc
 7798792ab6a259ceae272f61515a855e 36176 python optional pyside2_5.11.2-2.debian.tar.xz
 e37d40e8310fa536dcb1be73e4e14e46 69621 python optional pyside2_5.11.2-2_amd64.buildinfo



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